Congress of Lushnje Museum

The Congress of Lushnje was a conference of Albanian political leaders held from January 28 to January 31, 1920 in Lushnjë, Albania. The Congress was the most important meeting of Albanian political leaders after the Declaration of Independence on November 28, 1912. It was essential for the territorial integrity of newly formed state of Albania, and the decisions made in the Congress had a huge impact on the future of the state. At this congress Tirana became the new capital of Albania and the first modern government under Prime Minister Suleyman Delvina was established. Held in the private residence of Kaso Fuga, the Conference was attended by 56 delegates from Albania, adjacent Albanian-inhabited territories and representatives of Albanian emigrant colonies. In 1970 the building was turned into a museum devoted to this important moment of Albanian history, containing numerous photographs and original documents related to Albania’s struggle against occupying threats.

With the occasion of the 100 year anniversary of the Congress of Lushnje, the Municipality of Lushnje commissioned a restoration of the entire historical building, and reconceptualisation of the exhibition and exhibition spaces that the museum presents to the public. Following a lengthy review of the museum’s archive and the original documents that could be sourced, a task force composed of historians, residents, and artists formulated a novel experience with updated technologies and more detailed and better sourced information  within the museum.

Lead Design:
Elian Stefa

Lead Historian:
Niko Ferro

Lushnjë Municipality

Ledia Kostandini
Fatos Zyberaj

Tak Qrk
Ledia Kostandini

Production Coordinator:
Aulon Harizaj

Lushnjë, Albania

Connext Albania

2019 — 2020

Museum, Office, Cultural Space


Photos by: Aldo Bonata